CAFA Competition Program


Competition Levels

There are four levels of competitions, each level serves as a stepping stone into the next.


Local Competitions

Local competitions are meant to prepare potential competitors for the rules and regulations of regional competitions without the stress and judging that are enforced at these higher-level competitions. They are meant to be fun and provide individuals with the safety and support to practice and establish their personal limits SAFELY.

  • Held between clubs for practice and fun
  • Can be judged or not.
  • Not utilized for CAFA Rankings


Regional Competitions

1.2.1 CAFA Regional Competitions are used to determine a competitor’s standing across Canada for the purpose of establishing those freedivers qualified to attend CAFA Nationals. Rankings are updated on the CAFA website after the official posting of competition results.
1.2.2 There are two regions; East (Ontario eastward) and West (Manitoba westward, plus Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories).
1.2.3 A maximum of four regional competitions are to be held per year per region.
1.2.4 All regional competitions must include static apnea, dynamic apnea and constant ballast.
1.2.5 A competitor’s ranking is determined by taking their highest point total earned in a single regional competition.
1.2.6 A competitor’s point total is the sum of their performances in static apnea, dynamic apnea and constant ballast.
1.2.7 Utilized for CAFA Regional Rankings.
1.2.8 Follows CAFA Guidelines for Individual International Competition of Freediving.


National Competitions

1.3.1 CAFA National Competitions determine CAFA National Rankings. CAFA National Rankings represent the best of Canadian men and women freedivers. National rankings are used to determine the eligibility of competitors to represent Team Canada at international competitions.
1.3.2 To be held once per year. Alternate between East and West whenever possible.
1.3.3 All CAFA members are eligible to apply to compete at the CAFA National competition.
1.3.4 Priority for the 20 men’s and 20 women’s spots are as follows:

  1. Regional Ranked Canadian CAFA members.
  2. CAFA members without Regional Ranking (priority given to those who have competed in any AIDA or CAFA competition).
  3. Non-Canadian CAFA members.
1.3.5 All National competitions must include static apnea, dynamic apnea and constant ballast.
1.3.6 Utilized to determine CAFA National Rankings.
1.3.7 Used to select Team Canada competitors.
1.3.8 Follows CAFA Guidelines for Individual International Competition of Freediving.


International Competitions

1.4.1 In World Championship years, CAFA will send a men’s and women’s Team Canada. On off-years, CAFA will try to arrange the support and sponsorship of two Team Canada men’s and women’s teams to compete. CAFA will periodically arrange a invitational or open competition for other countries to attend in Canadian waters.

  • Invitational or open.
  • Not utilized for CAFA National Rankings


Team Canada

2.1 Every year, CAFA will determine the number of international competitions that it will sanction Team Canada to attend. With this team, CAFA will work towards finding sponsorship and promotion. Each competitor must be prepared to fund all or a portion of their total expenses.


Application Process

2.2.1 Three months prior to the international competition, an application deadline will be established for all interested and active CAFA members. At this deadline, each competitor’s rankings will be used to pick enough members to make up the number of competitors required for the competition plus one alternate. The top nationally ranked competitors who applied will be selected first.
2.2.2 The deadline for Team Canada application is a minimum three months before the start of the primary international competition.
2.2.3 Team Canada selection is determined by national ranking points of the competition disciplines (one or more of static, dynamic and constant ballast)
2.2.4 At time of application, a current (within 6 months of application date) signed medical must be provided.
2.2.5 Within 2 weeks of selection, each competitor must send a deposit of $200 Cnd payable to CAFA.


Final Selection Process

2.3.1 When the team is selected there will be no fixed decision as to how are the primary competitors and who will be the alternates. In the three months leading up to the international competition it will be up to the team members to maintain and improve their diving ability to assure their position as a competitor. The final decision as to who will compete will rest with the coach prior to inscription time at the actual competition. The coach will take the following factors into consideration:

  1. Consultation with the team members
  2. Health of team members
  3. Performance of team members during practice
  4. Performance of team members during recent competitions
  5. National ranking


Competitor Levels

3.1 Competitor levels can be used to segment competitions into levels and to establish an incentive to progress as a competitor. These levels follow AIDA levels closely, but not exactly.

CAFA AIDA equiv Points Static Dynamic Constant
Basic Level I 0 – 45 0:00 – 1:30 0m – 30m 0m – 15m
Intermediate Level II 46 – 90 1:31 – 3:00 31m – 60m 16m – 30m
Advanced Level III 91 – 135 3:01 – 4:30 61m – 90m 31m – 45m
Expert Level IV 136 – 180 4:31 – 6:00 91m – 120m 46m – 60m
Master Level V 181 plus 6:01 plus 121m plus 61m plus

Updated 16 January 2002 Home -> Administration