August 20, 2003


Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Tom Lightfoot, Ken McCallum, with Perry Gladstone joining the meeting via phone.

Call to Order

This meeting was held at CAFA headquarters in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm.

Meeting Minutes

July meeting minutes were approved unanimously and will be posted to the website.

Action Items


  • Competition rules – Kirk is still waiting for the AIDA competiton rules to come out.
  • Safety Protocols – Helen Lightfoot is still proof reading the safety protocols.
  • Competition Manual – No progress has been made in the past month.


  • 2004 Worlds Bid – Tom has completed and posted details of the bid on the web site.
  • French translation of website – Tom has received translations to be used for the web graphics. Creation of the mirror site is ongoing and is expected to be ready for Jane in mid September.


  • 2004 Worlds Bid – Pool and accomodation availability have been confirmed.
  • Financials – Mandy has delivered the financial information to Sandy via email. The year-end financials will be the priority for the September meeting.
  • Lung Association Proposal – No progress this month.


  • Team Canada Sponsorship Proposal – Perry has created a Power Point presentation and sent it to the board.
  • World Championships Sponsorship Proposal – Perry has created and circulated a Power Point presentation.
  • TV Deals – Perry will create a demonstration tape with footage supplied from Kirk.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held on one of the evenings from the 16th to the 19th of September at Rowand’s Reef dive store. It will be up to Rowand’s to indicate which date works best for them.

Sandy Aird and Jane Mitchell will be asked to count votes for the next executive. Nominations will start one week before the AGM and close at the AGM. Voting will take place via email to [email protected] over the next week.

The board will meet on September 10th to prepare for the AGM.


Kirk has arranged to have a face to face meeting with our new broker at SBC insurance. Kirk has been frustrated with vaguely worded communications and has discovered recently that the broker believed for the past few months that CAFA administered high diving. Kirk will report on his progress via email after the meeting.

Competition Safety and Support


The Safety & Support documentation package will be a binder that will consist of the following documents:

  • Safety Protocols
  • Competition Manual
  • Competition Safety & Support
    • Job descriptions
    • Situation flow charts


The time and location of the next Safety & Support course is still to be determined.

2004 World Championships

The board discussed the last details of the final bid proposal which is due on September 1.


The board decided to use the Gage residence as the main accomodation for the worlds bid. No meals will be provided in the registration cost.


Current estimates of cost break down as follows:

Competitors Cost per Athlete ($US)
63 $795
93 $710
132 $614

The board agreed to indicate a registration cost of $700 US per competitor in the final bid.

Note: As of August 27th, the final bid price was lowered to $650 US as a result of a clarification in the number of drug tests required, as well as a reduced rate on competition line.


Perry reported that TSN was interested in covering the 2004 Worlds but would provide no money up front.

Fox Sports Net is interested but wants to see a proposal and some footage.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.