December 6, 2001


Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Ken McCallum, Tom Lightfoot

Call to Order

This meeting was held at CAFA Headquarters, 106 – 3533 West 4th Avenue in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm.

Meeting Minutes

Kirk reviewed the minutes from the November executive meeting.

Executive Positions

Ken McCallum was invited to join the CAFA executive in early November and accepted the position. Kirk and the other executives welcomed Ken to the board.

Peter Scott and Marie Girard were also invited to join the executive but neither have replied. The invitations are considered declined.

Rules Documents

Much of this meeting was spent discussing documents which Mandy and Kirk had prepared.

Regulation for Canadian Freediving – Team Competitions

Mandy had prepared the regulations for team competitions and presented the document to the executive. The executive agreed to accept the document once the following changes were made:

  • The term ‘jury’ should be replaced by ‘judges’.
  • In dynamic events, competitors should be deducted points if they come short of their announced performance. The implementation would be the same style as in depth events but with one point per two metres and a two metre grace zone.
  • In no-fins events, webbed gloves cannot be used.
  • References to constant ballast should be changed to depth where appropriate
  • In depth events, a competitor must have already made a dive within 3 metres of his or her announced performance within the past three months.

Regulation for Canadian Freediving – Individual Competitions

Mandy had prepared the regulations for team competitions and presented the document to the executive. The executive agreed to accept the document once the following changes were made:

  • The term ‘jury’ should be replaced by ‘judges’.
  • In dynamic events, competitors should be deducted points if they come short of their announced performance. The implementation would be the same style as in depth events but with one point per two metres and a two metre grace zone.
  • In no-fins events, webbed gloves cannot be used.
  • References to constant ballast should be changed to depth where appropriate
  • In depth events, a competitor must have already made a dive within 3 metres of his or her announced performance within the past three months.
  • Remove references to clubs

Regulation for the Recognition of Canadian Records

Mandy had prepared the regulations for records and presented the document to the executive. The executive agreed to accept the document once the following changes were made:

  • The title should indicate the recognition of Canadian records.
  • A record in Variable Ballast or No-Limits must beat the previous record by at least 2 metres.
  • Records broken in competitions will be recognized without application so long as the judging documentation and other requirements are met.

Safety Protocols

Kirk had prepared and the safety protocols and presented the document to the executive. The executive agreed to accept the document once the following changes were made:

  • Change the term ‘EMT’ to ‘EMT equivalent’ as the term Emergency Medical Technician varies from province to province
  • The following endorsements will be available for safety support personnel:
    • Static Safety
    • Dynamic Safety
    • Depth Freedive Safety
    • Depth SCUBA Safety
  • In the warm up area for depth events, there will be at least two freedive/SCUBA safety people at the surface and one SCUBA safety at 10 to 20 m depth (below the murky zone). Each safety person at the surface can supervise up to four competitors.

Judges and Officals Standards & Procedures

Kirk had prepared and the regulations of judging and presented the document to the executive. The executive agreed to accept the document once the following changes were made:

  • Replace the term ‘interclub competitions’ with ‘local competitions’.
  • If there is a protest at a competition, the competitor pays $25 for all judges at the competitons to review the decision. If the competitor does not agree with the judges’ decision, he can protest to the Judges Committee for an additional $25. If the Judges Committee decides in the competitor’s favor then the competitor gets all $50 back.


Mandy reported that she had been receiving a number of requests for CAFA hats, of which we have none in stock. She asked if we should put some hats on order. The executive decided that since much of the current bank account may be required for the purchase of insurance, we’ll hold of on ordering hats.

Web Site

Tom has been updating and re-organizing the freedivecanada web site. The work so far was presented and the executive agreed that the re-organization was an improvement. The following action items remain.

  • Make bigger menu buttons
  • The new regulations documents should be put on the administration page once they are finalized.
  • Update bylaws for insurance coverage.

Competition Organization Manual

Ken is starting work on the manual for organizing competitions.


A couple of weeks ago Mandy & Tom taught a prototype CAFA Basic Freediver course. Mandy is now in the process of writing the course manual.

Kirk raised the issue that CAFA needs to include in its education program, the courses required by the safety protocols and officials & judging documents. These would be:

  • Safety Orientation
  • Judges
  • Safety/Rescue

Tom also mentioned that it would be helpful to have a competition course that prepares future competitors for competitions.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:50pm.