February 5, 2002


Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Ken McCallum, Tom Lightfoot

Call to Order

This meeting was held at CAFA Headquarters, 106 – 3533 West 4th Avenue in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 7:46 pm.

Meeting Minutes

Kirk reviewed the minutes from the January executive meeting.

Education Program

Kirk presented further details of his proposed education program, including a diagram showing how all of the recreational and instructor courses relate to each other.

Bumper Stickers

After last month’s meeting, Mandy received a quote for 1000 3 inch round stickers for $200. The board decided that this expense would not impede CAFA’s ability to afford insurance if and when that comes through. Mandy will proceed with purchasing the stickers.


Kirk reported that Johnston Meier Insurance had not heard anything from All Sport when he followed up with them. Kirk will make another follow up call since a month has now passed with no word from the insurance company.

Provincial Underwater Council Memberships

CAFA has purchased a $10 membership in the Underwater Council of BC. Our involvement with the UCBC has been quite successful and has provided CAFA with links and good press on their web site. Kirk proposed that CAFA purchase memberships in underwater associations or councils of other provinces. These would include FQAS in Québec, OUC in Ontario and AUC in Alberta.

Ken will look up these other associations and find out their membership pricing and policies.

CAFA Affiliated Clubs

Kirk has been asked by a group in Québec what the requirements are for becoming a club affiliated with CAFA. After much discussion the executive came up with the following proposed criteria:

  1. Bylaws that govern the club as a non-profit organization. The club doesn’t necessarily have to be incorporated. CAFA will provide a template set of bylaws if requested.
  2. A yearly elected executive.
  3. Money is accountable to the membership.
  4. Agree to follow CAFA guidelines pertaining to safety of events or in-water club functions.
  5. Have at least three board members who are members of CAFA in good standing.
  6. Club members do not necessarily have to be members of CAFA if they do not intend on participating in competitions or the freedivecanada e-group.

As Freedive Vancouver is already considered an affiliated club and does not yet comply with the criteria listed above, the executive decided not to adopt the policy immediately. Tom was designated to draft a letter to Freedive Vancouver proposing the policy and requesting opinions from the club membership.

CAFA Affiliated Educational Facilities

Kirk asked what the criteria should be for recognizing a CAFA Educational Facility. After some discussion, the executive came up with the following qualifications:

  1. The facility must have a corporate membership.
  2. The facility must actively provide freediving education.

The education requirement was necessarily vague as CAFA’s education program is not yet in place.

Corporate members can have their general freediving product line listed on the Corporate Members page even if they are not an Educational Facility.

DiveTech will be taken from the list as an educational facility as it has not yet paid for a corporate membership.

Email Aliases

Tom will request the following email aliases from CAFA’s internet provider:

  • info -> Mandy
  • treasurer -> Mandy
  • president -> Kirk
  • vice_president -> Tom
  • secretary -> Tom
  • webmaster -> Tom
  • comp_info -> Ken

Suspension of Fresh Water Records

AIDA has recently removed the distinction between fresh and salt water in their depth records. Tom moved that CAFA follow suit. The motion passed unanimously.

George’s Picasso Suit

Last year Picasso provided Team Canada with wet suits based on the measurements of the year 2000 team. Fortunately, the teams were mostly the same people and Marie fit into Raquel’s suit and Peter fit into Eric’s suit after Eric left the team. The remaining suit, made to George’s measurements remains unclaimed.

Kirk proposed that CAFA auction the suit off to raise funds.

  • The auction would be held on the freedivecanada list
  • $400 minimum bid
  • Sealed bids to be sent to Mandy
  • Auction will be open for two weeks
  • Mandy will post the auction to the list

Craig Molle Fund

It has been over a year since Craig Molle died while practicing static apnea. Since then his family has come into hard financial times. Kirk proposed that CAFA start up a collection on behalf of the Molle family. Kirk will draft a letter to the egroups list, asking interested members to send him cheques made out to Laurie Molle for him to deliver the next time he is in Saskatoon.

2002 AIDA Membership Fees

AIDA has raised its membership fees from $50US to $100US per country. There are a number of member countries who are one or more years behind in their membership payments. Kirk proposed that CAFA pay its membership fees as soon as possible in order to take a leadership role with regard to keeping memberships up to date. Mandy will send the cheque ASAP.

Freediver Magazine to CAFA Members?

The latest issue of Freediver Magazine has the results of the 2001 World Championships and prominently shows a portrait of the winning Canadian Women’s Freediving Team in the centre. Kirk proposed that CAFA send all members a free copy of this issue. The immediate concern was cost, as the bare cost per issue would be about $12, not including shipping. The executive were reasonably comfortable with the idea if the magazines could be provided at a total cost of $5 per member.

Kirk will approach Howard Jones of Freediver Magazine to see if CAFA can get a deal on this issue.

Ken’s Title on CAFA Executive

After some discussion, the executive concluded that Ken’s title would be Director of Competition Development.

Chair of CAFA Judges Committee

Kirk moved that he be appointed the chair of the CAFA Judges Committee, as outlined in The Rules for Judges and Officials submitted last month.

Mandy, Ken and Tom voted in favour. Kirk abstained. Passed.

Standards of Safe Diving Practices

Now that CAFA is proposing that clubs adopt a Standard of Safe Diving Practices, we need to have one. Mandy will draft a proposed standard.

Web Site

The executive approved the following changes to the web site:

  • Change the sponsor name from Basil J Goulandris to Basil P Goulandris
  • On the membership page, do not tell people to print and send the forms. Medical and liability forms are not required unless members are going to compete, take a course, or participate in some other water event.
  • Tom is working on a search feature for the web site.
  • Mandy is looking for an inexpensive payment service that we can use for fee payment, as she is doing the same thing for her employer.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:30pm.