July 5, 2004


Kirk Krack (Chair), Mandy Cruickshank, Tom Lightfoot, Perry Gladstone, Helen Lightfoot (Minutes).

Call to Order

This meeting was held at CAFA headquarters in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the June 13th executive meeting were approved.

Action Items


  1. AIDA Rules & Regulations
    Regulations for Team Competitions version 10 is now before the AIDA Assembly.
  2. Insurance


  1. Magazine mailout to members. Must wait for funds to be available to do this. Agree to try within the week. Plan is to mail each member a free copy of Canadian Diver, with a CAFA sticker, and a letter.


  1. Financials for 2004.
    Awaiting final bank statement and then will send it to Sandy.
  2. Application to become an amateur athletic association was successful. As of July 1st CAFA is a registered amateur athletic association.


  1. Update CAFA Board and website with June 2004 Executive Minutes. Completed.


  1. Website update. Start lists can now handle longer competitions i.e. those held over several days; and incorporate breaks. Entering results has been modified to make it easier.
  2. Competition fees. Recommend a clear policy statement regarding refunds. CAFA takes an administration fee of $25 per competitor. Refunds should be available in the event of a medical or family emergency less the $25 administration fee. If there are PayPal charges they should be shouldered by the athlete.
  3. Eastern Regionals. CAFA paying the airfare for judges was a one-time event. There are no further plans (or funds) to subsidize judges’ airfares for CAFA competitions.
  4. Eastern Regional Competition was held in Ottawa, June 18-20th. It was a success.
  5. Quebec. Fred Boyle (ex-AIDA judge) is being brought in to teach a clinic.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

The next CAFA meeting will be the AGM to be held on October 10th at UBC.