June 15, 2005


Tom Lightfoot (Chair), Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Helen Lightfoot (Minutes), Matt Charleton (by phone).

Regrets: Peter Scott

Call to Order

This meeting was held at 101 – 9133 Capella Drive in Burnaby. The meeting was called to order at 7:22 p.m. PST

Meeting Minutes

Approval of May 25, 2005 Minutes was deferred pending corrections. Helen will make the corrections.

Action Items

All Board Members

  1. Brainstorm slogans for CAFA banner. Ongoing
  2. Discuss and vote (except Tom and Helen) on honorarium for CAFA Webmaster.
    Nothing to report
  3. Discuss and vote on using LMC rule in conjunction with new AIDA rules (complete)
    Board decided to adopt new AIDA rules with the addition of the previous rules’ LMC rule


  1. Tom to contact David Rousseau regarding site translation and implementation plan. Waiting to hear back from David
  2. Follow up on LMC addition to new AIDA rules for Nationals. Complete
  3. Insurance documents were filled out and faxed to Tec Clark. Complete


  1. Doc Lopez’ AIDA donationWaiting to hear from the AIDA Board on how they decide to disburse the $10,000. Originally CAFA was supposed to receive $3000
  2. InsuranceDocuments were passed to Tom to fill out and send back to Tec Clark
  3. Diver Magazine mailoutStill need to write the cover letter to AIDA Teams at Worlds. Overdue
  4. CAFA posterWill discuss this with Matt


  1. AIDA Rules revision. Ongoing
  2. Issue and deliver honorarium cheque to Sandy Aird. Complete


  1. Vinyl banner quote. Complete. Information was emailed to the Board


  1. Translate new CAFA brochure into French. Complete. Matt will email it to the Board


  1. Submit Executive Minutes for November 21st, December 8th 2004, and January 13th, February 9th 2005 in html format to the version control system ready for website. Deferred
  2. Alter and adopt Canadian Speedskating Code of Conduct. Deferred
  3. Request permission from same to use their Code of Conduct. Deferred
  4. Replace ‘heat stroke’ with ‘hypo/hyperthermia’ in Safety Report Terms of Reference. Deferred


  1. New AIDA RulesMandy set up a poll on yahoogroups to see what CAFA members thought about whether to accept the new AIDA rules as written, or to accept them with the addition of the old rules’ LMC clause. 23 CAFA members responded: 7 voted to adopt the new rules as written; 16 voted to adopt the new rules with the addition of an LMC clause.The Board voted to adopt the new AIDA rules with the addition of the LMC clause.

    Kirk briefed the Board on the background of CAFA and USAA’s quest for insurance. Obtaining insurance relies on our continued adoption of an LMC rule. He pointed out that Nationals have rules that differ from AIDA’s, e.g. France using safety divers to 50m for performance depths far greater; CAFA using a seven minute stagger rather than the ten minute stagger outlined in the rules

    The Board decided that CAFA will keep statistics on LMC and submit the compiled data to AIDA

  2. Insurance UpdateTom faxed the application form in last week. Tec submitted it. The company has offered a master policy to CAFA, USAA, and PFI. This would cost approx US$8000 per annum to be divided by the assumption of risk, plus a per event premium (dependant of number of participants and location)We should hear back in the next two weeks. The company will come up with an actuarial table. Competition fees may have to increase to compensate for the cost of insurance
  3. Eastern Regional Competition ReviewThe organizers went into a cost overrun of about $900. The cost of the paramedics ($55 per hour) and the cost of supplying new equipment contributed to this overrunBoard discussed CAFA policy regarding subsidizing competition costs. Agreed to look at past practice and discuss further
  4. Nationals planningMatt outlined what has been done so far in the planning for Nationals in Ottawa. The judges will be Tom Lightfoot, Jason Billows, and Manfred Lippe. Three 22ft pontoon boats will be rented
  5. Website updateTom has been working on a makeover of the site, including fly-out buttons on the menu bar. He still wants to add the credits for the ERC; pdf copies of the CAFA protest form; and a donations button
  6. DEMA, October 2005Tom will be going to Las Vegas to man the CAFA booth at DEMA. CAFA will cover his accomodationsMandy described the various display booth options available. The Board agreed that the most versatile option of a six panel, fold out, free-standing model would be best. It will cost approx $1200. Flooring will be bought at a hardward store, and we’ll rent a table

    DEMA goals are to contact as many dive stores as possible and present freediving as a complement to, rather than as a competitor with the SCUBA market

    Preparation for DEMA includes: market research, marketing materials, pre-show postcards


The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. PST

The next CAFA meeting will held on July 6th at 7:00 p.m. at the new CAFA Headquarters at:
101 – 9133 Capella Drive
Burnaby, B.C.
V3J 7K4