November 21, 2004


Tom Lightfoot (Chair), Mandy-Rae Cruickshank, Helen Lightfoot, Peter Scott (Minutes) Matt Charlton (by phone), Kirk Krack.

Call to Order

This meeting was held at the CAFA Headquarters in Vancouver. Meeting was called to order at 4:20 p.m. PST

Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the previous meeting will be approved by email at a later date.

Action Items

None presented, see agenda items.


1. Board Positions

The following positions were proposed:


  • President: Tom Lightfoot
  • Vice-President: Mandy-Rae Cruickshank
  • Treasurer: Helen Lightfoot
  • Secretary: Peter Scott
  • Media and Member Relations: Matt Charlton
  • Past President: Kirk Krack

New Board members Matt Charlton and Peter Scott were welcomed.
The Past President will act in an advisory capacity and will have a vote on the executive.

Motion: Tom motioned that the Past President have full voting rights. Mandy-Rae seconded. Carried with all in favour, Kirk abstaining.

2. AGM Minutes 2003/04 and Executive Meeting minutes

Minutes will be circulated to the Board in electronic form for approval.
Kirk is working on the President’s Report.

3. Finances

The balance sheet for Worlds is almost complete. The Worlds DVD has been selling on the CAFA and Deeperblue websites with approximately 125 competition DVDs sold, 23 scientific DVDs sold, and 18 remaining. Sales of the DVD are handled on the CAFA web site/account. Kirk asked Board members to make sure all Worlds-related expenses have been submitted.

4. Insurance.

As of August 1, 2004 CAFA has not been covered by event or sport insurance. USAA has been active in trying to locate insurance, in concert with CAFA. It has been suggested that the more USAA and CAFA can do in documenting cases and producing statistics on deaths, accidents and potential claim situations, the better chance of getting insured. Kirk suggested that while insurance will eventually be found for CAFA, the cost of the policy may not be affordable. Calista Johnston continues to approach insurance brokers and companies with proposals. Finding insurance is a top priority. Tom proposed that finding insurance and strengthening risk management will go hand in hand to limit liability for the Directors.

5. Monthly Meetings Schedule

The CAFA executive will meet once a month on every 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 8, 2004.

6. DVD & Merchandise Sales Policy

Goh Iromoto would like to continue sales of competition DVDs through the CAFA website. CAFA proposes paying Goh (or any other producer) a 15% commission for web sales. This commission structure is not exclusive.

7. Objectives for 2004/2005

  • 7a. Sport Canada Funding Application
    The deadline for funding for the 2005-2010 period has passed. Many steps remain before CAFA qualifies for funding, including a 3,000 membership base, CAD$50,000 annual income, and representation at Nationals by at least six provinces. A full list of requirements is on the Sport Canada website. More information is needed to create a development plan.
  • 7b. Club Development
    Mandy-Rae and Matt will work together to give clubs support and information on how to develop and expand and begin hosting events and activities not necessarily centered around competition. The “How to Start a Club” page on the CAFA website will be revised for clarity.
  • 7c. Underwater BC Event
    CAFA will attend the UCBC Underwater weekend event at the Vancouver Aquarium in January 2005. Clubs across Canada can participate in this kind of event on behalf of CAFA.

8. Safety and Rules Review

Kirk confirmed that AIDA will be adopting CAFA’s Safety Protocols in 2005.

  • 8a. Rules
    When AIDA International sends out a “votation” (or vote) on rules issues to the AIDA Nationals, CAFA will forward the details to the freedivecanada list. In order to broaden the scope of discussion, we ask that members discuss the points of the vote on the AIDA forums. CAFA members can be heard by the CAFA Board by posting to the freedivecanada list.
  • 8b. Safety Review
    Peter suggested that the organizer file a safety report after every competition and that a safety protocols review be conducted every year, and reported at the AGM. A safety committee may help in obtaining insurance by producing statistics and documentation for each event. The committee may put forward recommendations to revise existing competition protocols as needed. The committee will support the organizer in staging safer events.

Motion: Tom motioned that a Safety Committee be struck and produce a report for the AGM. Helen seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. The committee will be co-chaired by Matt and Peter.

9. Freediver Code

  • Peter will review the current Freediver Code and look for a way to make it more visible to CAFA members and visitors to the website. It was also proposed that the statement of conduct be incorporated into the online membership form, so that new members read the statement and click on an “I agree” before signing up for membership.
  • Kirk’s article “Black Out” will be removed from the site.

10. Upcoming AIDA Votations

  • 10a. Apnea Quebec
    CAFA missed the deadline to vote on whether AIDA allow Apnea Quebec to have representation as a National AIDA Chapter for Canada. Apnea Quebec was voted in as an AIDA Chapter, but with no voting rights, and no right to field a Canada team at a World Championships. Contact will be maintained with freediving groups in Quebec and Matt Charlton will get in touch with the Directors of Apnea Quebec.
    Mandy-Rae proposed that a French version of the CAFA yahoogroups be started as soon as possible to give French-speaking freedivers a forum for discussing CAFA-related issues.
  • 10b. AIDA Education Vote
    CAFA will vote NO on the question of whether AIDA should develop an education system for freedivers, judges and trainers (unanimous). The Board agrees that this task is beyond the resources and jurisdiction of AIDA.
  • 10c. AIDA Vote on Rules and Regulations
    Peter proposed that several recommendations be made to AIDA International to improve the democratic process and the ability of AIDA members and athletes to have input on the process.
  • 10d. AIDA International Board Elections
    Sebastien Nagel has submitted his candidacy for AIDA President. Kirk Krack for Vice-President.

Action Items

Due December 8th or earlier

  • Approve Minutes of last Executive meeting (All)
  • Write Letter of Understanding to Goh Iromoto about sales commission (Tom)
  • Provide posting instructions for CVS to Peter (Tom)
  • Remove “Black Out” article from website (Tom)
  • Sport Canada funding: Draft a plan for implementation (Helen)
  • Set-up French-language yahoogroup (Mandy)
  • Draft a Club Outreach and Development plan (Matt and Mandy)
  • Outline Safety Committee goals; and recruit members (Peter and Matt)
  • Review website content: Statement of Understanding/Freediver Code; Start a Club (Peter)
  • Develop additional contacts for insurance; USAA contact (Kirk)
  • Complete President’s Report for 2003/2004 AGM Minutes (Kirk)


The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. PST

The next meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on December 8th at:
108 – 3083 West 4th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.
V6K 1R5