Kirk Krack, Mandy Cruickshank, Tom Lightfoot, Eric Fattah.
Call to Order
This meeting was held at CAFA headquarters on 4th St in Vancouver. The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
Meeting Minutes
Tom reviewed his notes from the AGM and the August executive meeting.
Rules for Records and Competitions
New rules had not been typed up yet but Eric had reviewed the AIDA competition rules. Kirk explained that it should be a fairly simple matter to take the AIDA rules as a template and translate any AIDA/World specific language into CAFA/Canada specific language.
The idea was considered of using only gauges to determine depth in Canadian records and competitions. All CAFA sanctioned competitions and records so far have had the depth of the tag determined by gauge rather than direct measurement on a wet, stretched line. After the AIDA world cup, those present at the meeting were of the opinion that a good gauge would be more accurate than a pre-measured line.
A discussion of technical issues involved in gauge calibration and increased sampling rates ensued.
CAFA-Hosted World Cup
Kirk has already suggested to AIDA that Canada may be interested in hosting a World Cup competition in Vancouver during the summer of 2002. He asked those present if CAFA had the resources and interest in hosting such a competition.
The general consensus that this should be small and limited to about 20 competitors. Unlike most competitions in Europe, the organizer’s responsibility for accomodation would be limited to finding a selection of hotels reasonably close to the competition with reasonable rates. CAFA will not attempt to get a full sponsorship for accomodations.
Several concepts for the competition were discussed:
- Team vs Individual competition
- Free immersion as an event?
- Constant ballast without fins as an event to push it to AIDA as a recognized category?
Kirk reported that no Insurance had been purchased yet and that much work still needs to be done before CAFA can become insurable:
- Need to re-write bylaws appropriately. Participation in the insurance plan must be mandatory by all members.
- Need an Emergency/Accident Management Plan for records and competitions.
- Need safety protocols for records and competitions written up.
- Need safe dive procedures written up for events such as underwater cleanups.
Tom and Kirk are to work on updating the bylaws. Erik and Kirk are to work on the safety procedures.
Safety Protocols
Having Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT’s) or paramedics standing by is one of the biggest expenses in competitions. Kirk asked if it may be appropriate if it would be appropriate to require someone with lesser certification in lower level competitions. The lesser certification could be CPR/First Aid with Oxygen Administration certification.
EMT’s would still be required at Nationals for possible world record compliance.
It was pointed out that target depths at Regional championships, target depths may be even greater. The possibility was discussed of requiring EMT’s if one or more target depths exceeded 60m.
CAFA should also require a competitor’s announced depth to be no deeper than 5m more than a previous successful dive.