Date | Location | Type of Competition | Disciplines | Registration and Info | Contact Email |
October 1-7 2001 | Ibiza, Spain | International Team | Static Dynamic | Team Canada members Only | CAFA |
September 8-9 2001 | Vancouver, BC | CAFA WRC Individual | Static, Dynamic, Constant | Info and Registration form | CAFA |
March 23-24 2002 | TBA | CAFA WRC Individual | Static, Dynamic, Constant | CAFA | |
May 25-26 2002 | Vancouver, BC | CAFA Natonial Compition Individual | Static, Dynamic, Constant | CAFA | |
July 13-14 2002 | TBA | CAFA WRC Individual | Static, Dynamic, Constant | CAFA |
Note: All persons registering for a CAFA competition must be current CAFA Competitive members. When emailing registration please complete the form in full. All competition registrations must be received 8 days prior to the start of the competition.