Here are the steps of the registration process:
1. Register Intent
If you represent an AIDA national body and are reasonably certain your country will be able to field a men’s and/or women’s team at Worlds then please let us know by filling out the form. We won’t book rooms for you yet, but we will put your flag on our Teams page. This will encourage other countries and their athletes to decide to come too.
2. Pay Team Deposit
We’ll need to know that you’re really coming as soon as possible. We require a deposit for your team in the equivalent of $200US per official team member. That means the three competing athletes, an optional alternate, and an optional coach. The final registration fees are expected to be $650US for competing athletes and $450US for alternates and coaches. With this deposit, you’ll secure your accommodation at Gage Tower Residence.
Spaces are booked on a first come, first served basis. If you don’t pay your deposit on time we cannot guarantee that your team will stay at Gage. We encourage all deposits to be paid by May 31.
Note that we don’t expect the names of the team members yet; we just want to make sure they have accommodation.
3. Team Selection
Once your country has completed its team selection, the national representative can list the team members. We will send the national representative an email with an ID and password that will allow him or her to enter or change the team roster. We will need names and email addresses for all team members so that we can invite each one to fill out their Athlete/Coach information.
At this point, the national representative will have the option of paying the rest of the registration fees or letting the team members pay individually.
4. Athlete/Coach Information
If you’re a competing athlete, alternate or coach then you will receive an email inviting you to log into this site to register your personal information with us. We’ll want your contact information, a picture of you to put up on this site, a brief biography, and a link to your personal web site if you’ve got one. The invitation email will have an ID and password so that only you can enter or edit your registration information.
5. Final Payments
The Team Selection and Athlete/Coach Information steps will provide the option of paying the final amounts for registration fees or you can re-visit these steps at a later date to make final payment. But please remember:
Deadline for payment of all outstanding registration fees is June 30th!
6. Medical and Liability Forms
Before you leave for Vancouver, you’ll need to download and print the medical form. Take it to your doctor for examination and to sign off that you’re fit for competitive freediving. You’ll need that signed medical form for final registration in order to be allowed to compete.
7. Final Registration
Final registration will be held at the Gage Residence on August 4th. You will need the following items:
- Your medical form filled in and signed by your doctor
- Your signed liability waiver
- Your passport to prove that you’re qualified to represent your country
Once we have all of these items and we’ve confirmed that you have paid all of your registration fees, we’ll give you your room key, a photo ID tag (with the photo you submitted for the web site), and the usual bag of goodies and coupons that come with a competition of this sort.
There will also be a doctor’s interview to make sure you’re still fit to compete and are not on any medication that would fail you in an anti-doping test.