September 30, 2003

Campaign Statement and Resume for Peter Scott

Dear CAFA members:

CAFA has an amazing opportunity this year to introduce new people to freediving. I believe that the key to CAFA’s long-term success lies in the impact we have on local communities nationwide–and the 2004 World Championships should increase awareness in Vancouver, in Canada, and in freediving circles around the world.

As an organization, CAFA should seize this opportunity to strengthen grassroots ties with community. I would like to see CAFA become more accessible to participation from recreational freedivers, spearfishers, water enthusiasts, non-profit groups, marine environmentalist groups and others interested people across the country. The more variety and depth in CAFA’s community involvement, the better its chances for generating financial and volunteer support. As a board member, I would keep these goals in mind while doing my part to assure a successful World Championships and exciting future for freediving in Canada.

My freediving/watersports involvement:

  • Co-founder and first president of Freedive Vancouver (
  • staff writer at and author of instructional articles
  • competitor at regional, national and world championship competitions; Team Canada member (2001)
  • avid recreational freediver
  • CAFA member since 2000
  • safety freediver coordinator for Eric Fattah’s 2001 Constant Ballast World Record
  • safety freediver and volunteer at CAFA regional and national competitions
  • windsurfing instructor
  • swimming instructor (NCCP Theory & Technical Level 1)
  • taught introductory monofin clinic

Other qualifications:

  • logistics coordinator of UBC “Crimes Against Humanity Conference” (250 participants, 30 volunteers, 60 international guest speakers, over 2 days); publicity coordinator and co-organizer of two college symposia (one week events, with guest speakers, $20,000 USD budget); PVEC Model United Nations conference (500 participants over 4 days, with 40 volunteers, homestay, $70,000 budget).
  • writer, translator, webmaster, editor, desktop publishing skills.
  • volunteer coordinator/recruitment/training experience
  • UBC connections (I work at UBC International House as a communications assistant)
  • fluent in Canada’s official languages

Thanks for your consideration.

Peter Scott

Vancouver, BC

“Learn from the Sea”

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